Web Analytics

Omniture Survey

When I logged on to Omniture last week I noticed a new tool within their suite called ‘Survey’. The only details I have are in the screenshot below, but if I were to wager on it, I would think Omniture has a new tool to create online surveys that could be triggered based on events, such as a shopping cart or getting to a piece of content. And then those responses are tied to the normal web analytics via Omniture. So if you get a ton of responses saying “Your site sucks” you can now study the behavior of those users as a segment to understand why they think your site has room for improvement. Web Analytics is good at telling you what people are doing, but doesn’t do a great job of telling you why. This gives you a little more insight into what users wanted to do or what they find frustrating/good about your site.

I hope to learn more about it, and hopefully its something I can deploy in the near future. If I do, I’ll write more about it. Right now you now know as much as I do.

By hazenjames

I live in Raleigh, NC working for SAS as software product manager. All opinions are mine and not reflective of my employer or former employers.

Cultish follower of Major League Baseball, rock music, and the Simpsons.

4 replies on “Omniture Survey”

The Omniture Survey tool is a legacy product leftover from the Visual Sciences acquisition – it used to be a (weak) product that WebSideStory had acquired. I think we can expect the product to be ‘Omniture’ productised in the next few months. Same with HBX reportbuilder – we’re going to see a Site Catalyst version soon (check out your users/groups security in SC – see a new ReportBuilder group..)
Cheers, J

Brian – thanks for chiming in. I was going to write the exact same thing, but lounging around the beach for the last week has made it hard to get motivated to post retorts.

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